The Latest Buzz from St. Louis, Missouri

St. Louis, Missouri is a bustling city with plenty of newsworthy events occurring every day. From criminal activity to economic justice initiatives, there is always something to keep up with in the Gateway City. Recently, Jarrell Anderson, 23, was taken into custody and charged with the murder of 23-year-old Turyan Austell.

In addition, a former police captain was accused of harassing a fellow officer in court. The St. Louis Art Place Initiative (API) is also making headlines. This non-profit organization helps local low to moderate-income artists build health and equity through homeownership. Artists of all media are encouraged to apply for the next round of affordable housing in the Gravois Park neighborhood before August 18th. In an effort to promote positive messages and demonstrate the continuing momentum around economic justice, FOX 2 and News 11 have partnered with the St.

Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) in a new monthly segment called “Positively St. Louis”. The segment will feature stories about people who are working to intervene in violent situations and attract new contractors to the city. The Major Case Squad has also made an arrest in connection with a shooting death on a Metrolink train in East St. Louis earlier this week.

Jarell Anderson, 23, is accused of killing Turyan S. Austell, also 23. Police have identified the suspect in Sunday's kidnapping and sexual assault case as well as a thieving mother who hit a Menard worker who was going to jail with her car. The United States Senate has also approved compensation for suffering caused by radioactive waste. The lack of personnel in St. Louis is also making headlines, as thousands of emergency calls are made but hundreds of agents remain unmanned.

This has caused concern for not only police officers but also for the general population. In other news, soldiers from the Louisiana State Police L Troop called for help after two men from Bay St. Louis were killed in an accident involving a Ford F-250 driven by Chandler Garcia just before 4am on Thursday morning. Finally, a doctor from St. Louis and his office manager were arrested by the FBI on Thursday and charged with health care fraud. Sonny Sagger, 55, and Renita Barringer, 50, were charged Wednesday in a single case. Two suspects were reportedly shot by a landlord in South City after breaking into a garage early Thursday morning as well.

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